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30 minutes aerobic exercise to lose belly fat | aerobic exercise for weight loss | aerobic exercise
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What are the benefits and which methods are best when it comes to aerobic training? I will discuss those in detail right here. Included are sample aerobic activities and guidelines to follow. Learn more now!
Losing stubborn body fat and getting into one's best possible shape may require at least some aerobic activity. The range of aerobic methods available and the different ways in which to engage in cardio are many - enough to cause confusion for those wanting to shed excess weight to reveal their hard-won muscles.
Question is: what are the best methods of aerobic exercise? Is there a perfect way to lose fat through cardiovascular means, and if so, what is it? Aerobic activity by its very nature requires fat to be used as a primary fuel source, with carbohydrates and protein being used to a smaller extent. Therefore it is obvious that in order to lose fat, some degree of aerobic work will need to be done.
However, the type of aerobic work needed for fat loss is a subject open to much debate. Aerobic activities (typically done at a moderate intensity, although higher intensity aerobics has been shown to burn more calories) constitute any form of exercise that is repetitive, long, and hard enough to challenge the heart and lungs to use oxygen as a fuel source to sustain the body over a longer period (15 to 20 minutes or longer).
So, aerobic activity done at a moderate intensity (50-75 percent of Maximal Heart Rate [MHR], or within the mythological fat burning zone) appears to burn more actual fat, but does it help with greater fat losses over the longer term? Some researchers suggest not.1
It appears that exercising aerobically at a higher percentage of MHR (75% or more) burns more in the way of total calories, which adds up to greater fat total losses. (Max Heart Rate is easily calculated by subtracting your age from 220.)
As long as the exercise is performed within the aerobic zone (using oxygen), and does not become anaerobic in nature (instead of drawing from carbohydrates for fuel), the higher the intensity the better.
30 minutes aerobic exercise to lose belly fat | aerobic exercise for weight loss | aerobic exercise