
Angad - A master trader from Batala

Angad - A master trader from Batala In this segment of Chat with REAL traders, let me introduce you all to Angad from Batala,Amritsar. For those who feel making lakhs on expires is a distinct dream for people residing in smaller towns, Angad is a living example of one such exception. He trades various assets ranging from banknifty to currencies and earns his living from trading.
You can catch Angad at :

Telegram channel - HINDI Youtube channel - Facebook Page- ENGLISH Youtube channel - Instagram - Twitter Page- Blog - Quora - With stock markets catching attention of millions of masses, there are a lot of people who want to get into this business of making money. Unfortunately, they are not able to find the right experienced mentor who can help them and solve their queries. Abhishek Kar has taken the endeavour to help such people to evolve as matured traders and investors.For the same reason he would be coming up with investment and trading videos and pacify the appetite of learning. Make sure you SHARE the video to spread awareness and keep the flame burning inside the traders who have given up on trading. For more such information, make sure you like, share and SUBSCRIBE!

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