
Angular Anti-Patterns in projects of the large enterprise organization - @tomastrajan - Die Mobiliar

Angular Anti-Patterns in projects of the large enterprise organization - @tomastrajan - Die Mobiliar Large enterprise organizations have to deal with challenges that are different when compared to a single team building a single Angular application. The environment is often complex with multiple temas and hundreds of developers working on tens of applications an libraries over many years. Changing requirements and the need to support life-cycle of used technologies makes this environment even more complex.

This can often lead to sub-optimal conditions for developer to deliver business features and further lead to lower quality of code which can have detrimental effects on things like performance down the road.

Because of these reasons it is important that we try to recognize and fix any anti-patterns we encounter in such code bases.

In this video, I will be describing some of these anti-patterns found in the Angular code base of large Swiss insurance enterprise organization.

* getters vs ngOnChanges
* project code organization
* rxjs redundant operators and other misunderstandings
* general understanding of Javascript async processing
* Angular JS to Angular migration anti patterns


Angular Meetup Zurich (Co-organizer):

For developers: npx tomastrajan


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