
Autism Parents Losing Their Rights. Deceptive Practices by Health Care Providers. Vaccine Mandates

Autism Parents Losing Their Rights. Deceptive Practices by Health Care Providers. Vaccine Mandates Autism Parents Losing Their Rights. Deceptive Practices by Health Care Providers. Vaccine Mandates.

If you've been paying attention, you will have noticed that our medical rights are being steadily lost. The state wants control over our children's bodies. If you desire to kill your baby before it's born or even after, they don't have a problem with that. But by God, that child is going to be vaccinated.

Kaiser Permanente has distributed a cheat sheet to its providers. It outlines psychological methods of persuasion (coercion), the very same methods salesmen learn to rip people off. They cannot win a scientific to debate, so they resort to this.

#VaccineMandates #VaccineTruth #Autism


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