
Beginners Guide To BULKING For Muscle Gain | Bulking Diet

Beginners Guide To BULKING For Muscle Gain | Bulking Diet BULKING to GAIN MUSCLE... A bulking diet plan requires a calorie surplus (consuming more calories than you're burning). By using a TDEE CALCULATOR, you'll find out roughly how many calories per day you need to consume to maintain your weight. Once you've found out your calorie maintenance, add 500 calories on top (a surplus of 500 calories)...

Now onto Macros - the ideal Macro split for muscle gain is debatable but most would advice 1-1.5g of Protein per pound of bodyweight. This will ensure you're getting in a good amount of your calories from protein to help with muscle repair and growth.

Track your progress not just by weighing yourself, but by taking progress pictures/video as well. Don't be disheartened if the results don't come overnight. Stick to the plan and be consistent.

A 3 day split like a PUSH/PULL/LEGS or even a 5x5 routine is great for beginners and even those experienced in the gym. For me, I struggle to get to the gym more than 5 days a week so this is my current routine...

Tues: off
Thurs: off
Fri: LEGS (& Abs)
Weekend: off

SUBSCRIBE to my channel to follow along with my progress as well as for upcoming workouts and beginner advice for newbie gym-goers... Check out the PUSH WORKOUT at the end of this video and I'll see you soon! -Ry

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