
ESP EMF Cellular PEER dna mutation ELF 1.5 milli tesla 60 Hz exposed for 144 hours

ESP EMF Cellular PEER dna mutation  ELF 1.5 milli tesla 60 Hz exposed for 144 hours in a 2014 study 1.5 milli tesla 60 Hz exposed for 144 hours showed the sham and exposed groups had no change until 120 hours

Sources of extremely low frequency and radiofrequency radiation
Source vs Frequency (MHz) vs Type vs Power Density Limit as (µW/cm2)
Video Display Terminal 0.015-0.3 ELF * No U.S. Standard
Power Lines 0.06 ELF * No U.S. Standard
Dielectric Heater 1-100 (usually 27.1) RFR 1 245
FM Radio 88-108 RFR 1 200
VHF Television 54-72, 76-88, 174-216 RFR 1 200
UHF Radio 470-890 RFR 1 313-593
Dish Antenna 800-15,000 RFR 1 533-1000
Cordless Telephone 46-49 RFR 1,2 200
Cellular Telephone 824-850, 900 RFR 1,2 549-600
Traffic Radar 10,500 and 24,000 RFR 1 1000
Microwave Oven 915 and 2,450 RFR 1 610-1000

ICNIRP 1990 recommended 60 Hz recommended limits for 24-hour exposure of ;
electric field = 5kV/m; & magnetic field, = 1 mG

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