
Gambia: Rejected Supplementary Budget Brought Back To The House And Passed By NAMs.....votes below

Gambia: Rejected Supplementary Budget Brought Back To The House And Passed By NAMs.....votes below Gambia: Rejected Supplementary Budget Brought Back To The House And Passed By NAMs

..... see below for the the way they voted

UDP NAMs who for the motion were

Hon Billay G Tunkara
Hon Saikou Marong
Hon Saikouba Jarju
Hon Alhagie Jawara
Hon Alhagie Drammeh
Hon Momodou LK Sanneh
Hon Fatoumata Jawara
Hon Speaker Mariam Jack

UDP NAMs who voted against were

Hon Alhagie S Darboe
Hon Dawda Kawsu Jawara (Sanna Jawara)
Hon Sulayman Saho
Hon Sainey Touray
Hon Lamin J Sanneh
Hon Omar Darboe
Hon Bakary Njie
Hon Matarr Jeng
Hon Alfusainey Ceesay
Hon Kebba K Barrow
Hon Bakary Camara
Hon Abdoulie Ceesay

The rest were absent or absconded for some reason. We really have a leadership problem in that parliament. This whole process was staged and conspired by the Minister and the Minority Leader supported by the Speaker and Deputy Speaker. Very unfortunate

All 5 NRP NAMs were mobilized to come to support this bill. Some didn’t come to work but were forced to come in as late as 9pm
The two GDC NAMs present were divided, Hon Omar Ceesay for and Hon Alhagie H Sowe against.
Hon Musa Amul Nyassi (APRC) voted for whole while Hon Fatoumata Njie PPP vehemently stood opposed the bill.
Curiously When it came to voting PDOIS abstained from voting for or against even though they were there through the whole process. Hon Halifa Sallah and Hon Alhagie Sillah rejected the bill in their interventions while Bon Suwaibou Touray supported it. Hon Sidia Jatta was absent since early afternoon

I hope this summary helps you understand what transpired . They engineered a legislative fraud by ensuring just enough members to constitute a quorum , line up 16 MPs including the nominated Speaker and her deputy to give them a one vote margin to ram this through in the middle of the night . Our country is in very deep trouble with politicians that can't be trusted with power or responsibility .


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