
How To Enable Security Settings For File Sharing

How To Enable Security Settings For File Sharing Need to enforce security permissions for workplace compliance? Let’s walk through how to enable security settings for your ExaVault File Sharing. Don’t miss out on knowing all the options you have.


Video Transcript:

Here are three important settings you can use to increase the security requirements on your account. One, use secure only mode. Go to your account page. You should be in the preferences tab. Under increased security options, select enable secure only mode. This allows you to disable un-encrypted access to your account. Only SFTP and HTTPS connections will be allowed. With secure only mode enabled you will be unable to connect via FTP. Next, you can enforce complex passwords. By checking the box for this option, passwords must: be at least eight characters, have one capital letter, one lower case letter and one number. Third is Ip white listing. You have the option to restrict access by IP range. This is an account wide setting that will apply to all users who try to access your account. By clicking add a range you can restrict access to your account to specific IP ranges.

Enter the start and end of an IP range you want to white list. You can enter more than one range. Make sure all IP addresses you want to have access are included in the ranges you add. Including your IP address so you don't get yourself locked out of your account. Finally, after you've updated your security preferences, make sure to go to the bottom of the page and hit save changes. Your new security settings will take effect immediately. Now, you know how to further secure your ExaVault account. Let us know if you have any additional questions. Thanks for watching.


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how to enable security settings for file sharing,exavault,

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