
If You Are Interested in Ancient Mysteries, Then You Need to Watch This!

If You Are Interested in Ancient Mysteries, Then You Need to Watch This! Traditional archaeology tells us little about where the ancient people who settled on Orkney originated. Surviving artifacts reflect features that have not been successfully tied to any cultural group or ancient locality in the region. However, when viewed from the perspective of comparative cosmology, we find numerous “signatures” of an archaic, pre-Vedic creation tradition reflected in Orkney architecture - the same symbolic tradition that is reflected in ancient cultures in India, Egypt, China, and Northern Africa.

These “signatures” take the form of recognizable megalithic forms, names of localities, and even in the specific details of an obscure burial tradition. These suggestive links are upheld by the DNA of various animal and plant species that are unique to Orkney in the UK that tie to the same archaic era in the same region of the Fertile CrescentPerhaps more significantly, attributes of the Orkney sites also suggest an ancestral link to agriculturally-based kingships that arose a century later under poorly-understood circumstances in four regions of the world: Egypt, Ireland, China and South America. In this context there is a rationale by which to see Orkney as a credible source of the Pharaonic tradition in ancient Egypt, linked by many of the same essential traditions, rituals and concepts as the priestly Dogon tribe of Mali.


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