
Impressive Sensation Hold Canting at Ndalem Gondosuli Workshop

Impressive Sensation Hold Canting at Ndalem Gondosuli Workshop Impressive Sensation Hold Canting at Ndalem Gondosuli Workshop

SOLO CITY, in the eyes of the world famous center of culture and art. It is worth the city dubbed as Javanese spirit, The Spirit of Java.
This city in Central Java Province has become one of the important tourist destinations in Indonesia, besides of Yogyakarta.
The two palaces of the famous king's residence are the Kasunanan Palace and the Mangkunegaran Temple also in the city which is often named the City of Bengawan.
This Mataram Dynasty descent palace is the estuary and the forerunner to the creation of a great cultural art which is still enjoyed today. Among the ancestral masterpieces that still survive and are preserved until now namely batik.
Batik is painting on certain fabrics with special materials. The art of painting on cloth with various motifs and various processes so that batik cloth becomes the clothing material that is much discussed.
Well, talk about batik art and how do you make batik right? there is one new tourist destination in the city of Solo. This latest destination offers the sensation of batik. Visitors are introduced further into the protected heritage of the international community.
Ndalem Gondosuli Workshop located in the Laweyan area, Surakarta City, which will answer all the questions. This workshop is a laboratory with comprehensive facilities to get to know from A to Z about batik.

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