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Kids Say The Darndest Things! That's why we're all here, right? We've posted 26 of these funny kid compilations already, and you guys are LOVING them. So with the end of the year just around the corner, today I'm giving you another installment of our brand new Kids Say series. There is no doubt that kids really do say the funniest things. Don't believe us? Watch this compilation of hilarious kids who are adorable, sassy, witty or a sweet combo of all three. These are some seriously funny kids, and we're here to laugh! Like the kid at 06:06 who shows his dad that he can counter even higher than 10! It's such a classic clip. If you haven't seen it, you're gonna have to watch it because it's literally hilarious! You don't want to miss this LOL moment 😂 All of these funny things kids say will make you laugh.
Like this compilation, if you are LOVING this new #KidsSay series! Comment down below with your favorite clip from the comp. It's so hard to pick just one clip because these are the best of the best but the vid at 12:00 cracked me up! This girl's wedding speech is SO funny and iconic. She just wants to thank her mom for, you know, having a good time! LOL! You won't believe what some of these kids saying funny things-- so you'll have to see the clip for yourself!
Kids Say the Darndest Things 26 | Kids Say (Best Of!)
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