
Money, Mardi Gras, and Something Far Better: Stories from South America // Ask Pastor John

Money, Mardi Gras, and Something Far Better: Stories from South America // Ask Pastor John Dozens of countries are experiencing a resurgence of biblical Christianity. Pastor John shares several stories from recent trip to Brazil and Argentina.

Pastor John is back in the studio. Listeners, thank you for your weeks of prayers, and weeks of patience too, as we navigated this busy season of travel. As a result, we have a backlog of questions to catch up on soon, but I wonder if it would be best for us to start with a brief update from your travels and ministry in South America. Pastor John, how did it go? What do you want to share with podcast listeners about your recent travels? Can you debrief your trip for us?

Episode 1319:

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Desiring God,John Piper,God,Jesus Christ,Christianity,Christian Hedonism,Ask Pastor John,APJ,Brazil,Argentina,South America,Movement of God,revival,trip,Fiel Ministries,the Gospel Coalition,Campina Grande,Carnival,reformed,

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