
Off Grid Earthbag Workshop part 18 Bad Weather Wall Collapse

Off Grid Earthbag Workshop part 18 Bad Weather Wall Collapse I really wanted to hit the ground running this year and get an early start on the workshop but the weather has had other ideas. I am pushing on as best i can but i am really looking forward to some better weather now. we had rain and 50mph wind for two weeks nearly. Despite the weather so far this year i have got 3 rows done and the roof will be going on soon. Where there is a will there is a way.

Thank you to the volunteers that helped and my lovely girlfriend dot for keeping me sane during hard times.

off grid,earthbag,how to,do it yourself,living off grid,kris harbour,eco living,eco build,workshop,green living,green building,earthship,disaster,fail,bad weather,self build,

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