The truth you hear may be cutting on this channel: difficult to digest, cause you to think about right, wrong, good and evil, motivate you to get God involved in your storm, move you to consider accepting Jesus as your personal Lord & Savior or rededicate your life to Him (for real this time), and inspire you to speak Your Truth...that's NM Enterprise 7, you came to the right place, blessings to you!
Nicholl is the author of the following books:
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
Laboring to Love Myself
What Else Can I Do on The Internet?
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
When Mothers Cry
Too Much Too Soon Internet Dating Blues
Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men
Should I Go to the Party?
Say Goodbye to Dad
Genealogy X: What to Expect When Researching Family History
She's Crazy
Tell Me Mother You're Sorry
Black Friday, Cyber Monday Strategies to Use Year Round
Business Plan from Start to Finish (NOTE: This is a CD).
Floral Beauty on a Dead End Street
Spiritual Poems By Nicholl
1) Thank you for taking the time to listen to spiritual podcasts and watch serious videos. Do you feel inspired by this message and want to do something different in your life? Be a blessing and share what you have heard with others, feel free to like, subscribe to NM Enterprise 7, comment with helpful thoughts or give here:
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3) Monetary gifts are also welcome via Google Wallet to nichollmcguire@gmail.com
Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men
Face Your Foe on Confronting the Critics
Should I Go to the Party
She's Crazy
Black Friday Cyber Monday Strategies to Use Year Round
Genealogy X What to Expect When Researching Family History
Say Goodbye to Dad
Tell Me Mother You're Sorry
Below you will find blogs that accept blog sponsored posts. You are welcome to pay for your content to be posted on sites that have been around as far back as 2006. All welcome advertising. Send email to nichollmcguiremedia@gmail.com with your business inquiry.
Face Your Foe
When Mothers Cry
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Everything You Need to Know About Parents, Babies, Children
Enjoy home organizing or need a bit of inspiration?
African American View
Dating Advice
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