
Our Greatest Need | Jeremiah Davis (Part 2)

Our Greatest Need | Jeremiah Davis (Part 2) A 10 part series relaying the truth of what is really going in this sin filled world. The time is near

"Our greatest need is converted families,
parents and children who are under
obedience to God. It rests with us to
cooperate with the agencies which heaven
employs in the work of conforming our
characters to the Divine model. The
judgement is now passing in the Sanctuary
above. For many years this work has been
in progress. Soon, none know how soon,
it will pass to the cases of the living.
In the awful presence of God our lives
are to come up in review. At this time
above all others it behooves every soul
to heed the Saviour's admonition. "Watch
and pray: for ye know not when the
time is." Mark 13:33."

Evangelist Davis, his wife Aretha, and daughter Amiah
travel the world sharing the everlasting Gospel to
young people. His dynamic presentations of preparing
for the last days have awakened many to the times that
we are living in. Evangelist Davis and his wife Aretha
are co-directors of Messengers of Light Ministry.

Messengers Light Ministry

Jeremiah Davis,All,Need,Present Truth,Economy Collapse,Bible Prophecy,Music,Sanctuary,Faith,Jesus,Country Living,Dress,Great Controversy,Desire of Ages,Ellen G White,Steps to Christ,Bible,God,Holy,Adventist,SDA,Seventh Day Adventist,

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