Paul Maurice Kelly (born 13 January 1955 in Adelaide, South Australia) is an Australian singer-songwriter and is recognized as an icon of Australian rock music as a member of the ARIA Hall of Fame. He is now based in Melbourne, Australia.
For more information about this artist visit:
*Note: If you are a record company employee or artist(s) who object(s) to this rare commercially unavailable material being promoted (albeit in a lossy mono format) on YouTube then please contact us to have it removed before flagging it. At the same time you may also like to explain to the fans why they cannot access this classic material in a decent quality digital format anywhere else?
"You won't make a profit on something that cannot be purchased but enough exposure may well help sell what you actually do have for sale. Meanwhile to share ones talents is the greatest of gifts!"
Please also be aware that all videos uploaded to YouTube are format shifted by the host website from the original files. This can often cause picture & sound deterioration (i.e. mono audio) as well as the occasional video/audio synchronization issue. The files are also deliberately layered on our end with logos and artists links in order to prevent YouTube recycling by lazy up-loaders, while at the same time helping to promote the artists themselves!
Captured & edited @ the VCRS 2008 ©