
Prescription Drugs

Prescription Drugs We use prescription drugs because they help us deal with anxiety, pain, and recovery from surgery. But if you don’t follow the instructions, the consequences can be deadly–and quite possibly, illegal. Especially if you get behind the wheel and drive. It’s a DUI in Vermont if you drive and are impaired even to the slightest degree. From any drug, including prescription medications. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before you get behind the wheel.

Prescription Drugs,Vermont,Pills,Impaired Driving,Medical Prescription,GHSP,Governor's Highway Safety Program,Agency of Transportation,Pharmys,AOT,Department of Transportation,Narcotics,DEA,Oxy,Oxycodone (Drug),Vicoden,Hydrocodone (Drug),Xanax,Oxycotin,Klonopin,Anxiety,Post Op,Surgery (Medical Specialty),Recovery,Drug (Quotation Subject),Prescription Drug (Drug Legal Status),

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