
Proof Ancient Civilizations Knew A Lot More Than Simple Stone Tools

Proof Ancient Civilizations Knew A Lot More Than Simple Stone Tools The origins, lifestyle and knowledge of early civilizations can be understood through the amazing artifacts that have been unearthed in various parts of the world, which suggest that ancient humans knew much more than just the use of simple stone tools.

Jason Martell will present a new model to describe why we have the precession of the equinox. Is it because we have 2 suns that are in a 24,000 year orbit around each other? Learn how this affects the Planet X traditional model with new confirmed astronomical data. Learn why over 30 ancient cultures tracked cyclical patterns based on re-occurring astronomical cycles. Various megalithic monuments are aligned with astronomical “markers” that acknowledge a specific point along this lost cycle of time. Learning these patters may tell us more about what is in store for our future and possibly reveal when the ancient gods will return.


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