
RimWorld / EP 106 - Just a Few Days Left / U-Pick U-Vote - Black Lake Settlers

RimWorld / EP 106 - Just a Few Days Left / U-Pick U-Vote - Black Lake Settlers Challenge:

Amass a city of 50 human pawns for a self built ship exit.

1. I cannot reject any pawns or willingly let any of them die. This means offering refuge to everyone and never sacrificing anyone 'for the greater good'. We must be benevolent.

2. Keep the vast majority of the pawns on the starting tile, not splitting them in multiple communities.

3. Follow the voted goals as best as I can.

Storyteller: Randy Random Merciless

U-Pick U-Play Info:
Every Wednesday the Patreon patrons provide ideas, priorities, goals or tasks to me that I compile into a voting list.

Every Thursday anyone who wishes to participate may vote from that compiled list on what they think my priorities should be while recording the upcoming episode.

Then I'll record the episode and air it and you get to pick your own adventure!




My personal stance on mods:
I like to play games as vanilla as I can, I'll consider UI mods and mods that do not in any way change fundamental game play, but I do not play with game play changing mods. On rare occasion I may run with full conversion mods. Seldom are exceptions made.

Interaction Bubbles:

Fahrenheit and Celsius:

Color Coded Mood Bar:

Double Population:


Recipe Icons:

Relations Tab:

#RimWorld #LetsPlay #Rhadamant

RimWorld,Let's Play,UPick,UPlay,

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