This message is by Pastor Steven Hudgik, at Cannon Beach Bible Church, from March 03, 2019. This message is about Genesis 1:1. It is part 1 of a two part introduction to Genesis and the first verse in the Bible.
For specifics about how evolutionary thinking has changed how we think and destroyed our culture, destroyed morality, has caused abortions, and has been extremely harmful see Steve's video here:
In this message we learn why Genesis 1:1 is the most hated verse in the Bible. We'll also see how the deception of evolution is everywhere, even in a simple, fun news story about chimps escaping from a zoo. And we learn why Genesis 1:1 and all of Genesis 1-11 is so important... is foundational to everything else in the Bible. And finally, we ask you to notice what Genesis 1:1 says. "In the beginning God..." It simple announces what God did. There is no effort to prove God is real. That God exists is assumed. And that everyone knows that God exists is assumed as a fact. Why? Because scripture plainly says (Romans 1:18-24) that everyone does know God exists and that means everyone is without an excuse.