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Three months ago the beast, alien, or thing first entered our solar system. I wish I could describe it better. It was massive, almost half the volume of the sun and nearly a hundred times as dense. It was traveling a quarter of a million kilometers per hour. I don’t even want to talk about the amount of energy that is.
Our instruments and scanners were able to pick it up long before it passed Jupiter, and when I say passed, I mean it dislodged Jupiter from its orbit and sent it on its merry way to the Oort Cloud. Scientists are still debating on what effects this will have on us, but all of them agree that it will be the greatest struggle that humanity has yet to face. In other news, we get a meteor shower every night that rivals the yearly Perseid shower.
This thing, ship, giant space rock, or creature skimmed our solar system as if it were a bullet that just grazed the skin. We kept tracking it as far as our sensors would allow, looking at it as it blocks out stars in the night’s sky, and noticed something strange about its path. It was zig-zagging. The ability to move that much mass around is nothing short of impossible, and scientists are still struggling to explain it.
Surprisingly, the biologists were the first to come up with an insight about its movement. It strongly resembled the path a gazelle takes when it is being hunted by a cheetah.
That was a few weeks ago, and we have since pointed our telescopes towards the direction the thing came from, and sure enough, we were missing a skyful of stars.
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