

THE UNINTENDED EFFECTS "SWP you are out of your mind. In the video you critique, I highlight both lightskin and dark skin black women...two of the pictures are of ME. One woman, who is kissing a white man, is almost onyx"

Completely missing the point ASS ALWAYS Mrs. Karazin - You are one the BIGGEST advocates of black beauty, I'm sure that's not something that you would deny, YET as I have pointed out on numerous occasions, there is no consistency with which women constitute black. Its whatever is convenient for the moment. If a light skin woman is with a white man - SHE'S BLACK. If she's with a dark skin black man - she's a light skin bitch.

And don't sit up here and PRETEND that you're championing "ALL SHADES" of black beauty because you clearly ARE NOT. When you say "black women's unique beauty" you aren't talking about black women with European features nor European textured hair. You are advocating for black women who look like you or, more generalized, are IN you're spectrum in both complexion and features.

Please don't sit up here and FAKE like you are a proponent of "ALL BLACK WOMEN'S BEAUTY" when you JUST wrote a piece about

"FEELING SOME TYPE OF WAY" about the documentary "LIGHT GIRLS"

What has you "FEELING SOME TYPE OF WAY" could it be that you feel that light skin women get all the attention in the world and therefore don't need anymore and you feel that discussing their issues overshadows the already OVERSHADOWED dark skin black female?

The link is below -

"It was hard to muster up sympathy for a group of women who are systematically chosen as romantic partners over dark girls, get songs written in homage to their lightness, have historically been chosen to be wives for the most elite and successful black men (church pastors, athletes, actors, professionals, musicians erry’body) which has been statistically proven; get lighter prison sentences, etc. In decades passed, lighter skinned women who passed the “paper bag test” were allowed in the elite sororities and private clubs, got hired in jobs sooner than their darker counterparts, and elevated and prized by their friends and family. At a predominately black party or club, it doesn’t matter how beautiful the dark girl is next to a more homely light skinned girl, chances are the lighter one will get asked to dance over the dark one. "

These are your words CHICK - and it is IMPOSSIBLE, IMPOSSIBLE, IMPOSSSSSSSSSSIBLE for them to to NOT apply to to your daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet, those are precisely the type of women that you INCLUDED when it came to "CHALLENGING" the idea that black women are UGLY. Why did you INCLUDE THEM? If you are advocating for dark skin beauty, then throwing in the light skin women, which you already pointed out have all the privilege in the world. was wholly unnecessary, and undermined your objective.

So let me get this straight "LIGHT GIRLS" have you feeling some type of way because these women are seen as "more beautiful" so you feel they should be excluded from the COLORISM CONVERSATION to tell their stories yet you have NO ISSUE in INCLUDING THEM when it comes to proving that "black women ARE BEAUTIFUL." In other words, you are basically saying that THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL - but how does INCLUDING THEM help in getting people to recognize and acknowledge DARK SKIN BLACK BEAUTY?

If I were to have a BLACK BEAUTY CONTEST - there will be no light skin women in there. PERIOD! Especially understand the historical CONTEXT and COLORISM POLITICS that are at play, but YOU out of all people should NOT have overlooked that, but you did - along with many other black women who cosign these racially ambiguous women when its CONVENIENT - for arguments sake - only to scream FOUL when DARK SKIN BLACK MEN GET TO PICKING.

It undermines your cause - even though its already damn near impossible for you to do what you're doing with a MIXED DAUGHTER!



"Knowing all this, I’m supposed to muster up sympathy for a group of women who, in one way or another, my community told me I was inferior to? It’s hard. It really is."

WHICH IS PRECISELY what you should have considered before you took your ass over the fence and produced "ANOTHER GROUP OF WOMEN!"

I'm sure your daughter is sitting in classes, JUST BEING HERSELF, making some other dark skin girl feel just as you STILL feel now!

"Because I remember being about five years old in kindergarten, when I partook in the teasing of a biracial girl with long, sandy brown pigtails. I and two other girls surrounded her and I remember her yelling, “I AM black!” and none of us believed her."



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