
This Large Ferry In Japan Has Collided With A Giant Unidentified Sea Creature

This Large Ferry In Japan Has Collided With A Giant Unidentified Sea Creature This large ferry in Japan has collided with a giant unidentified sea creature. We take a look at this story from Japan about a unidentified sea creature.

Recently a ferry ride in Japan was cut short as the boat hit something large. They boat was near Sado island when it encountered a large creature, the Japan Coast Guard has said that it's investigating what happened. It's been reported that eighty people were injured and thirteen of those people sustained serious injuries.

The coastguard released this statement "At around 12: 15 p.m, the ferry collided with an unidentified marine animal. Once we inspected the boat we discovered there was a 15-cm crack found at the stern. This is where the boat collided with the animal. The most likely answer is that the boat hit a whale or another large sea creature. However the animal is still unknown and nothing has turned up.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!

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