
Trump Official’s Stunning Student Debt Crisis Answer | NowThis

Trump Official’s Stunning Student Debt Crisis Answer | NowThis The Trump official tasked with ‘protecting consumers’ wouldn’t admit that there’s a student debt crisis, even when Rep. Ayanna Pressley directly presented evidence that there is.
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In the latest President Trump administration news, Donald Trump's director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Kathy Kraninger refused to tell Rep. Ayanna Pressley whether there was a student loan debt crisis even though there is clear evidence of a student debt crisis. Personal finance has become difficult for students doing college planning, many look to college planning tips and eventually find their way to student loans and student loan debt when pursuing higher education. The reliance on college loans has no doubt created a student loan crisis, whether the White House believes it or not. In this video, Ayanna Pressley wins by showing that Kathy Kraninger won't even admit to the obvious.

#StudentDebt #Trump #AyannaPressley

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NowThis,NowThisNews,Now This News,NowThis News,Now This Media,NowThis Media,Current Events,news,student loans,personal finance,the young turks,higher education,college planning,donald trump,student loan debt,student loan crisis,college loans,white house,college planning tips,student loan debt crisis,student debt crisis,student debt,president trump,ayanna pressley,ayanna pressley wins,Kathy Kraninger,Consumer Financial Protesction Bureau,CFPB,

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