00:01 – Intro
03:14 – Strange surface event appears on multiple stations at Yellowstone
07:21 – Event shown on program WAVES/Judging the speed of the object that caused this
13:36 – SWARM analysis of this weird event
19:11 – Did the Old Faithful webcam catch this object??? Maybe or maybe not…
23:49 – SWARM analysis of recent rapid fire swarm at West Thumb Lake
32:49 – My recent blog post/Conclusion
My article:
O.F. video at time stamp:
Geyser observation and study association:
Scott’s cool channel:
Email: washingtonmagma@yahoo.com
My website:
-IRIS station and network search map:
-IRIS DataSelect Data Download Archive:
-JamaSEIS download:
-SWARM download:
- IRIS Time Series Database (2nd data download option):
-USGS Quake Catalog:
-Cool Real-Time Satellite Imagery:
-Supervolcano Triggered by Outside Forces:
-Cool Real-Time Tremor Map:
-Canada Seismic Agency:
- ANSS Stations and Plots:
-USGS Volcanoes: (Simply select your volcano at the top of the page and then click monitoring. Can monitor tilt, seismograms, gps uplift, etc)
-Pacific NW Spectrograms:
-MBMG Network Seismograms:
-University of Utah Seismograms:
-Yellowstone Seismograms Daily plus Archive: (Uses University of Utah seismographs; great tool nonetheless)
-Old Faithful Live Webcam:
-USGS Earthquakes: (for catalog, scroll down and click “earthquakes” then click” earthquake catalog”, amazing tool)
-UNAVCO Borehole Strainmeters:
-UNAVCO Tilt Meters: (click on plots)
-California Seismograms: (some in the Long Valley caldera area)
-GSN Heliplots:
-USGS Heliplots:
- (goto where you want, click “earth”, click “chem” mode, click SO2sm to see sulfur dioxide ground emissions)
-Volcanic Tremor and Volcanic Processes:
All my videos are for non-profit educational research purposes (I get no money and give credit where required) therefore protected under Section 107 of 1976 copyright law: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.