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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
This video, I'm going to be sharing with you the three secrets of what is called your shadow self, that it's time. You know about. Once you know these three things, you're going to know yourself in a completely new way and you're going to be able to transform your life from the inside out. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you more on what is called the shadow self and understanding these three parts of the shadow self that are holding you back. These three parts of the shadow self that are having it so that you don't really live to your full potential. And these are things that are so settled, very insidious because you won't be aware of it. But once you are, you begin to transform your life in a powerful way.
So many of you may have heard me talk about the shadow self before and the shadow self has to do with in a way the part of ourselves that hasn't yet healed. Think of it like we're going on through our life. And eventually even at a very early age, something happens in the moment something happens. We may give it a negative meaning we may have this emotional reaction to it. And in that moment we had to decide that we were a certain way or that reality was a certain way. And in that moment you can think of it like we had our divine self when we're born, there's this splat that happens in this spot that happens. It causes it to where we have to become something that we're not, or we have to develop this armor around ourselves. We have to cope with something in their life.
And we assume that that's the way reality is. Well that is what is called our shadow. And many people on the planet right now are living completely immersed in their shadow, not aware that they are more than their shadow and not aware that they can do what is called integrating their shadow. So something that I've been going through for probably about the last year now is when I went to a place in Costa Rica, did something called up plant medicine and doing plant medicine. It makes you go within your subconscious mind. It makes you understand a lot more about yourself and you do a lot of deep inner work. And when I did it, I became very aware of a shadow part of me, the shadow part of me that wasn't yet healed from past experiences, uh, stuff that happened in my childhood. Maybe a lot of you know about my childhood or have heard me talk about it just between the ages of seven to 15 years old where I had a step mom and my life at the, at the time, that was very emotionally, physically and mentally abusive.
And I had no freedom whatsoever. So during that period I developed this armor around me of this person that I had to become in order to survive in order to get through that time. And that's when I developed what is called my shadow self. We're doing this plant medicine. It made me aware more of that shadow self and it allowed me to really integrate it in a powerful way to really heal the past version of me. So the first one I'll talk about when it comes to the shadow self that you might not be aware of is that a lot of your shadow came and was developed when you were a child and when you were a child, something happened and the moment something happened, you subconsciously gave it a meaning and that meaning may have caused you to then live a certain pattern of the rest of your life.
Maybe your dad said something to you that made you feel less than worthy, and now when you go out into the world, you're used to being treated that way. Do you expect to be treated that way all because of one situation that happened when you were a kid? I had one situation where when I was at doing that plant medicine, what happened was, is I had this, this remembrance of this flashback to this memory that I had...
Adventures by A Himitsu
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