I feel like we should take a look through the Archives together, what do you think? Why not see what has been posted and scanned before. How far back does this actually go??
Bring out what you got, everyone is more than welcome to get on panel and present whatever case they may think they have. Please bring something other than ASSUMPTIONS.
Let us try to remember that PEOPLE are just PEOPLE.....
As Always, treat everyone with respect please. With that being said, tempers do get hot sometimes. Don't take it personal. Sorry
#SpaceX #flatearth #nocurve #PPC
Email me if you would like on panel UberFlatEarth@gmail.com, Be sure to inform me in the chat that you emailed so that I am aware. Thanks
Let's talk about everything. If you think you live on a SPINNING SPACE PEAR then bring your best proof. If it is valid and your not a jerk we will take you serious.
If you would like to discuss anything feel free to type it in the chat and we will try to address it on the panel. The main topic is always Our Creator and his Flat Earth he gifted us with.
Stay Blessed
Uber Flat Earth
Link to my actual channel content of me driving and chatting with people, click the link below.
#waterlevel #PPC #SAMETEAM #nasalies