
#56 Becoming Stress Proof with Dr Mithu Storoni

#56 Becoming Stress Proof with Dr Mithu Storoni Although you can’t see it, stress is everywhere. Once pushed aside as something that couldn’t be explained, stress is now a quantifiable, identifiable, solid thing that has real physical effects on our bodies and our long-term health. But what can we do about it?
Neuroscientist, researcher and guest on this week’s episode, Dr. Mithu Storoni, has read over 1,000 academic papers to answer that question. Mithu shares the finding of her research and explains just what stress can do to our bodies and how we can measure it using modern technology. She gives some brilliant practical tips on how we can buffer ourselves from the consequences of stress. I hope you enjoy the conversation!

Show notes available at

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Stress-Proof: The ultimate guide to living a stress-free life -

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