
Acorn A440/1 Archimedes Repair Part 2 (Sound, Hard Drive, Floppy Drive, Risc OS Upgrade & More)

Acorn A440/1 Archimedes Repair Part 2 (Sound, Hard Drive, Floppy Drive, Risc OS Upgrade & More) The second part of my Acorn A440/1 restore. I talk more about some of the chips and things in part 3.

There's a small mistake there when I talk about the FDD - you can replace it with some PC FFDs, but a small mod would be required and some drives might not work. Also another small mistake related to the max CF size - it's 32GB I think.

ZIDEFS Podule (IDE Interface - up to 32GB CF Cards)

Risc OS 3.11 ROM upgrade (4 X 512KB) - Older machines require a ROM carrier board to fit these.

Acorn,Archimedes,ARM,RISC,Risc OS,Upgrade,ROM,OS,Chips,FDD,Disk Drive,HDD,IDE,MFM,ST506,ST-506,Repair,Fix,Guide,Tutorial,How To,Restore,Sound,Battery,Speaker,Corrosion,A440,A440/1,A440/4,Hard Drive,Hard Disk,Podule,Floppy Drive,Cleaning,Heads,Read Error,Write Error,Sector,Track,Error,CMOS,1772,FDC,Floppy Controller,AJAX,High Density,

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