
Aoc’s Latest Approval Ratings Are In – Her Explosive Reaction Is Just Priceless

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Aoc’s Latest Approval Ratings Are In – Her Explosive Reaction Is Just Priceless

The crybaby princess refuses to blame herself, so…

Hey, in case you didn’t know–
AOC’s approval ratings are tanking big time.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), once the Golden Girl for the increasingly far-left Democratic Party, is apparently losing supporters at an alarming rate.
The latest shocking poll numbers are in and AOC has hit an all-time low.
And here’s the best part: this poll was conducted by a significantly liberal source; the ultra-left-wing Quinnipiac.
So, when Quinnipiac tells you a Democrat’s numbers are in the toilet, they must REALLY be bad.
And just how bad is it for the new Queen of Socialism?
“Quinnipiac found Ocasio-Crazy’s national favorability rating sits at a pathetic 23 percent…
…her unfavorable is 36 percent, which means she is upside down by double digits — 13 whole points.“
Well now, that’s just terrible, isn’t it?
You can’t have a favorability rating of less than 25 percent and expect to stay in your position of power for very long.
And perhaps most significantly, this poll also found that less than half – 47 percent – of Democrats view AOC in a positive light.
And a whopping 44 percent don’t even know who she is!
Ocasio-Cortez is going backwards with two significant groups as well; both Independents and women are turning away from her.
And who do you think AOC blames for this descent? …if you answered “herself,” you obviously don’t know how most liberals operate.
No, liberals don’t take responsibility. Instead, they blame other people:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

It’s almost as though there is a directed + concerted far-right propaganda machine with a whole cable news channel, and a dark-money internet operation propped up by the Mercers et al dedicated to maligning me & stoking nat’l division, reported on by @JaneMayerNYer or something

“It’s almost as though there is a directed + concerted far-right propaganda machine with a whole cable news channel…
…and a dark-money internet operation propped up by the Mercers et al dedicated to maligning me & stoking nat’l division[.]”
Er, no.
AOC, there is no right-wing conspiracy against you, and you can’t go blaming places like Fox News and Breitbart for your approval rating nightmare.
You’re not just unpopular in the Quinnipiac poll; you’re unpopular in just about EVERY poll.
For example, a recent Gallup poll had your approval at 31 percent with a 41 percent unfavorable rating.
Heck, you only have a 31 percent approval rating in her home state of New York! 36 percent of New Yorkers view Trump favorably, by the way.

And boy AOC, that’s really gotta stick in your craw!
It isn’t the news, it isn’t misinformation, and it isn’t propaganda.
It’s just the way things are, AOC: people don’t like you, princess. And pretty soon, you’re going to have to find a way to reverse these numbers.
If you can’t, your career in Washington will be very short-lived.
SHARE if you think AOC needs to just shut up and GO HOME!

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