
Best practices in building a knowledge base

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What is a knowledge base?
A knowledge base (kb) is a collection of articles, videos, and helpful information that you build about product such as how to customize your product or set up a profile. It helps customers self-service, giving your support agents more time to focus on other important inquiries. Having a strong kb reduces the overall volume of support tickets you receive on a daily basis.

Best practices for creating knowledge bases

Purpose of the knowledge base
The key is to understand the purpose of your kb - is it to offer the best technical support? Or is it to help with new user onboarding? Understanding the core functions of your users might help you build a kb that’s most suited to them. A good place to start is by listing down the set of queries your customers might get when they start using your product.

Structure of your knowledge base
It all starts from a clear and precise understanding of the knowledge base goals. An effective kb is one that evolves continuously. And the primary purpose of a kb it to ensure it is useful for the customers. Therefore it needs to be flexible in its structure and has to be:

Easy to use

Content needs to be easy to find

Easy to navigate

Relevant in the information it provides

Content needs to be regularly updated

Effective searches resulting in relevant information

Building your knowledge base content
One of the key steps in creating a knowledge base is ensuring great content. It needs to have answers to the broad range of questions your customers might have about your product or service. Here are few points to keep in mind while building your kb content:

Develop a template for your kb articles so that it’s easier to create content and thereby also making it easier to set a standard across the organization.

Keep the kb articles short and crisp so that users can instantly understand the information shared.

Have clear titles based on action as users look for kb articles to accomplish a specific action. It makes sense to use simple layouts or bullets to highlight important points.

Include product videos as part of your kb and ensure the tutorial videos are under 5 minutes.

Have a good balance of images and text in your kb content, contributing to an overall user experience. Avoid using jargons, and if it is absolutely necessary then define them in your article.

Make use of product screenshots wherever relevant and more so if it’s a step-by-step how-to-guide.

Interlink relevant kb articles to proactively provide useful content.

Regular knowledge base content updates
Your knowledge base is as good as its utilization by your customers. It is critical to regularly update the knowledge base content based on the changes in your product, feature updates, feature enhancements, and more. It is advisable to identify an owner for the knowledge base who can regularly monitor the content, check for issues and identify the need for updates. This will help you ensure that your content is up-to-date at any point in time.

Customer Support,Customer Service,Learning,Startups,Enterprises,Knowledge,Best Practices,Knowledge Center,

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