California Democratic congresswoman Katie Porter spelled out to JP Morgan's CEO, Jamie Dimon, the real-world implications of the low wages his bank pays its junior employees at a senate hearing on Wednesday. After running Dimon through the numbers, Porter found that a single mother on the bank's starting salary for a teller would be $567 in the red at the end of each month. Asked how a woman in that situation could get by, Dimon said, 'I don't know' Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ►
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jp Morgan,jp morgan ceo,congresswoman,Katie Porter,Jamie Dimon,Banks,congress,inequality,wealth,JP morgan ceo hearing,jp morgan inequality,2019,pay,pay gap,Donald Trump,us,gdnpfpnewsus,politics,gdnpfpnewspolitics,living wage,fight for 15,low pay,pay inequality,wall street,bankers,jamie dimon pay,jamie dimon debt,debt,poverty,poverty pay,jamie dimon congress,jamie dimon jp morgan,katie porter pay,katie porter jp morgan,world,gdnpfpnewsworld,