Hi – my name is Clair Summer. This channel is dedicated to bringing you intuitive tarot readings for your heart and soul. I hope you enjoy it. Love and best wishes xx
DONATIONS - support this channel for more love insights -
This Pick a Card reading is timeless. Time is not linear and is more fluid than our usual understanding therefore if you discover this reading then there may be a message here for you. Use your intuition to guide you. If this message doesn’t resonate with you, feel peaceful and find the one that does.
Disclaimer: Please use the information offered responsibly. Ultimately, you must always use your own judgement, wisdom and discrimination when making life decisions. Caution: Language may be strong at times.
Time Stamps
Group 1 - 2:20
Group 2 - 15:40
Group 3 - 27:15
Group 4 - 38:05
BUY** Love Meditations & Affirmations –
BUY** Prosperity Meditations & Affirmations –
BUY** Mini Tarot Reading –
This is not just a quick fix to make you smile right now. You will get all the support you need to make you feel better in the long term so that you can live the life of your dreams.
These are a few of my favourite decks and oracle cards:
Rider Waite Centennial Deck -
The Fountain Tarot –
Spiritsong Tarot -
The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck -
The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck -
The Good Tarot -
Work Your Light oracle cards -
Wisdom of the Oracle divination cards -
Universal Love Oracle cards –
Moonology Oracle Cards –
Universal Wisdom Oracle cards -
Whispers of Love oracle cards -
Gaia Oracle cards (I love these!) –
Tarot Mucha -
Shadowscapes Tarot -
Divine Feminine Oracle cards –
The Wild Offering oracle cards (my all time favourite!) –
This is the equipment I use:
Canon EOS M3 compact Camera -
Ipad -
Small Tripod -
Lighting set up -