0:10 Sara Bajimaya
5:38 Meera Kakshapati
9:27 Ashmita Maharjan
12:42 Sanskriti Ghimire
16:49 Jenisa Thapaliya
20:13 Prakriti Katwal
24:56 Santwana Malakar
29:38 Rose Lama
First look on performances by the talented contestants of Miss Nepal 2019. Miss Talent, is one of the most influential and significant categories in the pageant. While talent and skill play a vital role; time management, learning enthusiasm, stage presence, connection with audience also matter. Know more on this episode and let us know, whom do you think had the best performance. More on the Episode 5B and 5C of Livon Journey to MIss Nepal 2019.
#JourneytoMissNepal2019 #LivonNepal #TalentRound2019 #MissNepal
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