
EXPOSED! The Artificial Quantum Holographic Matrix and Clearing Incantation-Live M-Th 8CST

EXPOSED! The Artificial Quantum Holographic Matrix and Clearing Incantation-Live M-Th 8CST Here is the incantation I made to make sure you aren't interfacing with it:
Here's the words to recite:
(ps. pure source creator= mother gaia & the father sun, with the lifeforce created between the two through pure love energy that is exactly who we are as sovereign soul spirits.)

I wish to connect with my higher self and my
Divine team of love and light only,

I request that any influence on my life
and anything that is interfacing with me
that is not here for my highest and best good
must leave NOW and never return.

I insist through the power of my higher self
and a third party assistance
that any energy that does not come from pure source creator
be escorted out NOW and never return.
I do not consent to any interference
that does not come from the pure source creator.

through recognition of my sovereign-soul-spirit
and with my birth right of free will
I use the universal law of free will to invoke this now.
I am closing this artificial portal.

I now ask to be connected with light-workers of the highest truth only.

I now ask to receive divine guidance through
my higher self and my divine team team of love and light only from now on.

And so it is.

Thank you spirit.
Thank you for being the light.
In unity,
Lauren Alexis Pritchard
Ascension Coach
New Earth Consulting
BOOK ONLINE, I do readings and coaching:

Donations still greatly appreciated. Thank you to all who have donated:


Changing The Future Outcome CBD Oil:

Check out my upcoming speaking events:

5D events, Las Vegas 4/19-21

Spirit and World Transformation, ECETI Ranch 7/4-7

as always,
make sure you are SHIELDING YOUR ENERGY when coming into new information. When you ascend your mind, you set off a signal in higher planes of existence in the holographic universe. That signal attracts parasitic energy to keep you down…
Obsidian and Black Tourmaline I have found to be super powerful
-Mother Mary & Archangel Michael energy
-God’s prayer (especially when in direct interference)
-and this clearing meditation:

There are many ways to protect yourself, these are the ones I use.

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