First, you want to ensure you’re varying the resistance curve applied to your shoulders during your shoulder workouts. This is done by choosing the right shoulder exercises. Rather than exclusively sticking to dumbbell lateral raises, incorporate some cable lateral raises since the cables enable tension to be applied to the shoulder throughout the whole range of motion. You can rotate between the two shoulder exercises throughout the week and/or perform both exercises during your shoulder training.
Next, you want to ensure that during the lateral raise that you’re not leading with your hands. At the top position, if your hands are higher than your elbows then you’re performing more external rotation which isn’t the main function of the shoulder and is instead involves more of the rotator cuff. To fix this, simply think about driving up with your elbows and having your hands stay inline with the elbow at the top position.
Lastly, during your shoulder exercises you need to make sure that you’re not letting the traps takeover the movement as you perform them. For example, during the overhead shoulder press or lateral raise, as you lift the weight up you want to make sure your shoulders aren’t shrugging up and tensing at the upper traps as you do so. Instead, keep the upper traps relaxed and pulled down before and throughout the movement.
As I say quite often, if you want to see the best results then it’s vital that you choose the right exercises and variations. But, even more importantly is that you apply them correctly within your routine.
For an all-in-one step by step program that optimizes your workout and nutrition based on science, head on over to the link below to find out what science-based program is best for you:
Abdo Megahid
Instagram: @abdohmegahed
Wider shoulders and attractiveness:
Dumbbell lateral raise EMG:
Lean-away lateral raise: