1. Classic Guns & Heavy Gunfight
This is a great time that strategy game has an FPS gameplay inside, join the real battlefield with the first-person perspective. Lead your army, feel the battle and win the war.
2. Multiple Strategy & Real Opponent
You won't play against AI anymore, beyond every screen that is a real opponent, make it an ally or an enemy is all up to you.
3. Various Units & Steel Beasts
All in-game units were all based on the true history, build your armored fist and make some real punch to conquer the world.
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1.Create folder Android/obb/com.tap4fun.kow.googleplay in SDcard or Internal Memory.
2. Copy the main.273.com.tap4fun.kow.googleplay.obb to folder Android/obb/com.tap4fun.kow.googleplay
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