1 - Twitch Prime Promo code for Boros Deck 0:01
2 - redeemed PlayWarSpark code and pack opening 0:07
3 - Viewing Free Boros Deck 1:51
4 - Crafting Dimir Amass deck 2:28
5 - Dimir Amass v Dimir Amass 2:51
6 - Citadel Explore v Izzet something 5:43
7 - Citadel Explore v Simic who knows what 8:30
8 - Citadel Explore v Simic Proliferate 10:27
9 - Dimir Amass v Golgari Saprolings 16:13
10 - Dimir Amass v Orzhov Lifegain 17:31
opened 25 WoS packs (but it failed to record), a couple Ravnicas as well. This is me redeeming the PlayWarSpark code, and the TwitchPrime code for a Free Boros Deck.
went with a Dimir Zombie Amass as my 1st deck for War of the Spark expansion. Not ideal, but there are some cool synergies with the dimir colored zombie wizards, giving the tokens either hexproof and menace, or flying, or deathtouch, and once they get to 6/6, they get lifelink as well. so.... flying 6/6 hexproof deathtouch lifelink with menace creature would be kinda cool.