

NOBLEBRIGHT! Grim & Perilous FRPG #Noblebright #ZweihanderRPG #MainGauche

Grim & Perilous Studios, makers of the wildly-successful ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG, have announced their intention to release a new tabletop role-playing game called NOBLEBRIGHT! Grim & Perilous Fantasy Role-Playing Game (FRPG).

In the world’s worst version of Warhamm… err, NOBLEBRIGHT! Grim & Perilous FRPG, players take upon one of the 666 all-new Professions from the world of 1d4Chan’s Brighthammer. Completely reexamining all of the tropes ZWEIHANDER rested its crown upon, this new #ttrpg will leave behind its many lazy approaches: murderhobos-in-paladin’s-clothing, the morally-grey choices of the DC superhero film franchise and the animal brutality/curse word/boobs-per-hour requirement of HBO showrunners Game of Thrones. Instead, players will use their social influence and powers of friendship, love and camaraderie to wage a Twitter war against #DnDGatekeepers of the hobby. Which we 100% support, even though this is an April Fool’s thing.

Work is already underway on the core set for NOBLEBRIGHT! Grim & Perilous FRPG by Grim & Perilous Studios. It launches on Kickstarter on April 1st of never. NOBLEBRIGHT! will take advantage of the Powered By THAC0™ d20 game engine, first introduced by Uncle Gygax but later popularized by the world’s most famous Uruguayan RPG blog. Use the mind bondage spell on your father to buy you $200 worth of new NOBLEBRIGHT! figures and manuals.

We will reveal more about our plans for NOBLEBRIGHT! Grim & Perilous FRPG in the coming months, which you can follow on our home page and on social media. Please help us share this announcement online using these hashtags #Noblebright #ZweihanderRPG

About Grim & Perilous Studios
Grim & Perilous Studios is a Soviet-based stuffed animal factory. They were celebrated at Gen Con 2018 by winning two gold ENnie awards for being the most annoying marketers of ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG. They are publishing NOBLEBRIGHT! – the second supplement to their breakout hit ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG – in 2019 and planning the release of COLONIAL GOTHIC: Grim & Perilous RPG in 2020 and the Sengoku-era TETSUBŌ: Grim & Perilous RPG for release in 2021. The studio specializes in mentioning ZWEIHÄNDER in every Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying discussion on game forums, circa 2014-2019 (citation needed).

To learn more about Grim & Perilous Studios, visit

This video stars Nick Cage as Rick Astley - thanks DeepFake!

Powered By Zweihander,Zweihander RPG,Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay,Grim & Perilous,ENnies 2018,Andrews McMeel,Tabletop RPG,Tabletop Roleplaying Games,Tabletop Role-playing Games,Dungeons & Dragons,Dungeons and Dragons,#ZweihanderRPG,#GrimAndPerilous,#WFRP,#WFRP4E,#WFRP4,

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