
PTSD And TBI Aren't Being Treated Properly - Here's What Needs To Change | TOT Revolution

PTSD And TBI Aren't Being Treated Properly - Here's What Needs To Change | TOT Revolution Many military and law enforcement personnel are suffering from PTSD and TBI (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury), but they aren't being treated properly. In this video, Jay Campbell is joined by Dr. Mark Gordon and Andrew Marr to discuss the changes which need to happen in mainstream culture before people can get the help they deserve.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) are systemic in our society, and many military and law enforcement service personnel are suffering because of it. To make things worse, the mainstream medical system just doesn’t treat these people correctly. What misconceptions are getting the way of these men and women getting the treatment they deserve? What changes need to happen in mainstream culture to better respond to these issues? On this episode, I’m honored to be joined by my good friends Dr. Mark Gordon and Andrew Marr from the Warrior Angel’s Foundation to answer these questions and more.

TBI stems from the trauma, the inflammatory mechanism, and the down regulation of the brain hormones. If we can mitigate or modulate that, we have a real viable solution. -Andrew Marr


Three Takeaways

The biggest problem we have is TBI being erroneously diagnosed as a psychological issue and not a brain chemistry one.

The mainstream market isn’t driven by a desire to improve their quality of health but to make money off PTSD patients.

We look at testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone as reproductive, gender or sex hormones, but each of them has a whole other spectrum of benefits in the body.


At the start of the show, we talked about how erroneously labelling TBI as PTSD has been a setback for TBI treatment. We also discussed whether sick care would ever change this and what it would take to make that happen. Andrew shared on the upcoming documentary he’s working on and Dr. Gordon shared on the upcoming event they are running.


We also discussed:

- How to produce superior patient outcomes
- The recent Psychology Today article Andrew is proud of
- Why this is the age of interventional endocrinology

Guest Bio-

Dr. Gordon is the Medical Director of Millennium Health Centers, Inc. - Medicine for the 21st century, in Encino, California. Dr. Gordon has been a consultant to the Medical Board of California in Endocrinology, Internal Medicine, and Alternative Medicine (1998 - present).

Dr. Gordon's work has been featured by many major publications, including ESPN and Life Extension magazine. In early 2015, the Warrior Angels Foundation and Dr. Gordon teamed up to continue the fight against the status quo, and to disrupt and change the TBI patient care protocol for Veterans.


Andrew Marr is a Special Forces Green Beret, Co-Founder of Warrior Angels Foundation, and author of TALES FROM THE BLAST FACTORY: A Brain Injured Special Forces Green Beret's Journey Back From The Brink. His book is being made into a full feature documentary titled Quiet Explosions. Andrew is an MBA candidate at Pepperdine Graziadio School of Business and Management.


For more information, go to and to apply for treatment go to and fill out the contact form.


Read the Psychology Today article Andrew talked about here

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