This is the Instructor Version. There are detailed speakers notes to help you be able to present this on your own as well as "offstage" comments to help you understand how to present this workshop.
The PowerPoint for this workshop is available at The OutdoorEd.com Website: The detailed article about RASM is available at
Additional articles and other materials are available at www.outdoored.com - Search for RASM
Like most models, this model is indebted to the work that came before. I’m particularly indebted to Alan Hale whose Dynamics of Accidents Model was my first exposure to the causes of accidents. Others who paved the way before me include Cathy Haddock from the New Zealand Mountain Safety Council for her book Managing Risks in Outdoor Activities and the Accident Matrix© developed by Dan Meyer and refined by Jed Williamson.
All of these models addressed a part of how accidents happen but I didn’t find that they any of them told the whole story, so I developed the Risk Assessment and Safety Management Model (RASM). I hope that you find it a useful approach to risk management for your program.
Thanks to Twentieth Century Fox for permission to incorporate the two clips from Cast Away in this education presentation.
Rick Curtis