
Rush Limbaugh Revealed the Crime That Should Send Pelosi and Schumer Behind Bars

Rush Limbaugh Revealed the Crime That Should Send Pelosi and Schumer Behind Bars Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are on edge.

Attorney General William Barr’s Senate testimony blew the lid off the biggest scandal in American political history.

And then Rush Limbaugh revealed the crime that should throw Pelosi and Schumer behind bars.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer flew off the handle when Attorney General William Barr confirmed that the Obama administration and FBI spied on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Pelosi hysterically ranted that Barr was “off the rails” and Schumer fumed that Barr “must retract” his revelation that Obama’s Deep State put the Trump campaign under surveillance.

Rush Limbaugh had a different take on these comments.

The popular talk show host explained to his audience why Schumer and Pelosi criticizing Barr should be treated as obstruction of justice.

“Now, my question is this. Aren’t all of these Democrats — Schumer, Pelosi, Pencil Neck, Nadler, James Clapper, Toobin, F. Chuck Todd — are they not obstructing justice here? They’re criticizing the investigator. These clowns are already obstructing justice by their own definition,” Limbaugh began.

Limbaugh continued by explaining to his audience that for two years the media claimed any criticism of federal law enforcement officials by Donald Trump was un-American and possibly criminal.

“I mean, weren’t we told that Trump obstructed justice when he criticized Comey and then he criticized Mueller and called it a witch hunt all day? Where are the calls now for investigations of Schumer and Pelosi and F. Chuck Todd and Nadler and Clapper? Because it sure looks like a conspiracy to obstruct justice and prevent an investigation, if you ask me! It looks like these people are hell-bent on doing everything they can to stop this investigation (i.e., obstruct it) and further to discolor it and disqualify it — and, by the way, these are not empty threats,” Limbaugh continued.

Limbaugh went on to detail that even though Schumer and Pelosi don’t have the direct ability to order Attorney General Barr to stand down, they can vote to defund the DOJ or targeted programs in order to put pressure on Barr to drop the pursuit of the criminals in the Obama Deep State.

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