If you don't want to watch entire video or jump to your desire part at given play time.
Weight Measurement at : 00:58
Size Measurement at : 1:20
Wireless charging at : 1:41
Led Light comparison at : 2:23
Water proof test at : 3:55
Watts measurement at : 7:55
Draining the battery to zero at : 9:26
Solar Charging at : 10:25
Watts output measurement at : 11:49
After through test, i like to share my experience, First of all the backup power, this solar power bank comes with 20000 mAh
lithium polymer battery pack, according to my test, it should have the capacity of at least 15000 mAh or more, with an average of 4000 mah for a mobile phone, it can recharge 4 times for sure.
From 100% power, it charged 73% of iPad with battery capacity if 11,560 mAh is = 8438 mAh
GoPro 3 batteries with capacity of 1220 each 1220x3 = 3660 mAh
Samsung Note - 5 charged from 50% full capacity is 3000 mAh = 1500 mAh
Testing led lights, wireless and USB = 2500 mAh
Total mAh transferred = 16098 mAh
# SECOND (output ports) : this solar power bank has THREE USB output with 11 (Eleven) watts max from a single port or three ports combined and 5 watts for wireless charging if used separately, Wireless charging is very helpful while you are driving or traveling, just the keep the phone over it that's it simple.
Charging Input is at 5 watts and it is through a micro USB A port ( which would be better if it is a USB-C port and supports a
wireless charging) IT will take one and half day get completely charged from zero percent,
# THIRD (LED light), If you are a traveler or a frequent hiker or like champing in the wild it can light-up the entire tent
having 10x10 square feet for entire night without any worries, even if it dose not have the power to charge other device
# FOURTH (water resistant) : Yes it is a water resistant, can withstand or survive water splash or rain or snow, as it was
mentioned as water proof in another website (a kick stater website) and tested it by putting it under water for FOUR TIMES
inside the breach, It survived all the dips.
NOTE : Water entered the device while submersed but the device is not effected at any manner,Switches worked fine, the output port worked fine, led lights worked fine and wireless charging worked fine.
# FIFTH the last SOLAR charging: I really had a doubt from the very first of having this Solar powerbank, as this small solar
panel can power up or charge those huge 20000 mAh battery. After completely depleting the power to nearly 5% or less, tried it to charge with solar panel, for first few minutes like 30 minutes there was no sign of power in solar indicator bulb, but after 45 minutes it began to light up slowly and after nearly 4 hours under the scorching sun it charged the battery to nearly 25% the first led (25%) started to show up, it is about 5000 mAh or in between 4000 mAh is charged, that is a great you can charge a 3000 mAh battery device.
Note : the SUN light is very strong and high in my place as it is Summer, The temperature of the power bank went up to 60 degree Celsius, where day temperature was at 38 degree Celsius Max, solar charging is working fine, recharging with solar panel is according to the power of Sun light and it will take some time to charge very few percent of Huge 20000 mAh battery
Pros (+) and GOOD points of this Solar Power-bank
# It powers off automatically without draining power still good for the next time. It has 4 blue LED's to indicate remaining power
# it will easily charge your phone multiple times.
# It is rugged, solid, and feels heavy duty. It has a nylon loop to be attached to backpack or survival gear, comes with 3 outlets and a portable QI wireless charge
#just a bit bulky, but very useful.
#The light lit can lit a whole room or a camping tent
#Excellent power bank for traveling or camping.
Cons (-)
Only problem so far found is If you submerge or drop the power bank in Water, Water seeps in to the unit but dose not get damaged.
Tried it for few time (nearly 4 times used its full power backup)
So far so good
More info about this Solar Power bank from the seller @
Thank you for reading
Have a Great day..