
The Role Alex Jones Is Now Playing - Psychosis Headline

The Role Alex Jones Is Now Playing - Psychosis Headline Alex Jones is a 15 year actor, playing a role. The goal was to LINK a few million "aware and awake" people to him, and then when he sinks, we all sink. Most here have watched Alex Jones at least a few years but even if millions have not.... Here is the KEY. Even if you never watched Alex Jones, your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers believe he is OUR LEADER if they know the types of topics you research. CNN and the main stream has positioned him as the leader of all of us whether we asked for it or not. So, if he now admits he's nuts, by association, we're all nuts. THEN, they see Alex backpeddling saying it was all real, so when we don't backpeddle with him, we really look like loons. The psych craftsmen of this system truly are remarkable. However, we will be "played" no longer. The ruse is up. The magic show, over.

Alex Jones,psychosis,Alex Jones lawsuit,Alex Jones psychosis,

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