
Try DJANGO TUTORIAL Series (v2.2) // PYTHON Web Development with Django version 2.2

Try DJANGO TUTORIAL Series (v2.2) //  PYTHON Web Development with Django version 2.2 Try Django 2.2 is step-by-step to build a modern, fully open-source, Blog web application using Python, Django, Bootstrap, Javascript, and more.

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1 - Welcome (0:00:00)
2 - What we're going to build (0:03:35)
3 - Setup Django and Virtual Environment (0:09:00)
4 - What Django Does (0:14:02)
5 - Define a View (0:20:45)
6 - A First URL Mapping (0:23:45)
7 - Multiple Views (0:27:19)
8 - path vs re_path vs url (0:29:54)
9 - Your First Template (0:32:19)
10 - Loading a HTML Template (0:34:24)
11 - Add Bootstrap (0:38:28)
12 - Render Context in Templates (0:40:12)
13 - Stay DRY with Templates (0:44:38)
14 - Rendering Any Kind of Template (0:51:51)
15 - Template Context Processors (0:57:01)
16 - Built-In Template Tags (0:59:43)
17 - Your First App (1:03:31)
18 - Save to the Database (1:09:46)
19 - Model to Django Admin (1:14:27)
20 - Model in a View (1:17:54)
21 - Dynamic URL-based Lookups (1:23:22)
22 - Handling Dynamic URL Errors (1:27:48)
23 - Get Object or 404 (1:31:01)
24 - A New Database Lookup Value (1:35:06)
25 - QuerySet Lookups (1:42:17)
26 - A Unique Slug (1:46:46)
27 - CRUD & Views (1:50:40)
28 - CRUD View Outline (1:57:10)
29 - Blog Post List View (2:01:17)
30 - Routing the Views (2:04:55)
31 - Include URLs (2:08:47)
32 - In App Templates (2:14:35)
33 - Submit Raw HTML Form (2:20:03)
34 - A Django Form (2:25:20)
35 - Saving Data from a Django Form (2:30:54)
36 - Model Form (2:36:28)
37 - Validate Data on Fields (2:40:56)
38 - Login Required (2:45:32)
39 - Associate Blog Post to a User with Foreign Keys (2:49:12)
40 - Logged In User & Forms (2:56:36)
41 - Update View with Model Form (3:01:11)
42 - Better Validation on Update Views (3:04:53)
43 - Delete and Confirm (3:08:51)
44 - Blog Post Navigation (3:12:33)
45 - Include the Navbar (3:15:44)
46 - Include with Arguments (3:18:39)
47 - An Included Template for Consistent Design (3:26:02)
48 - Publish Date, Timestamp & Updated (3:31:27)
49 - Model Managers and Custom QuerySets (3:37:27)
50 - Published and Draft Posts (3:43:04)
51 - Static Files and Uploading Files (3:48:37)
52 - Image Field and Uploading Images (3:58:57)
53 - Putting it All Together (4:04:24)
54 - Complex Lookups (4:13:51)
55 - Thank you and next steps

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