
Why Narcissists Target & Destroy Happy People 3 Reasons

Why Narcissists Target & Destroy Happy People 3 Reasons Why Do Narcissists Target & Try To Destroy Happy People

Today I wanted to talk about 3 reasons why narcissists are attracted to happy people, and this question comes from salonika101. And she asks "Why do narcs target happy ppl? why do they want to be in a relationship with a happy person if they are going to drive the to be miserable just like them? what is the thrill of the changing the person's personality? isn't it easier if they just chose someone who is already sad? less work for them?" So that's a very good question let's get right into those 3 reasons why they target happy people. The first reason is because narcissists target good people, quality people. A quality person is not going to be a miserable person, a quality person is full of life, full of happiness, full of passion. They're attracted to a quality person, they're attracted to the best. Narcissists don't want somebody that's miserable or sad and has nothing to offer because then that kind of reflects on them and they cant have that, their image is everything they have to be the best and they have to have the best so they choose the best. Which is often somebody that is very happy, passionate, alive, creative, successful, that's one reason that they target happy people. The second reason that they target happy people instead of just getting somebody that's already miserable is because it's not so much about more work or less work as much as it is about how powerful they are. To get somebody miserable and you don't have to do anything to have they miserable requires nothing of you which means you ultimately are powerless, you did nothing, you have no power, you have no ability to change that person. To a narcissist to take something shiny, and amazing, and full of life, and to have the power to take that persons self identity and to pull it inside out to the point that they don't even recognize themselves anymore and that their friends and family members don't recognize them anymore that's another thrill for the narcissist because that gives them a sense of power and that's what it's all about in their eyes. They need to feel alive and sadly being a parasite feeding off of the good quality's of another person is something that gives them that thrill. The third reason that narcissists target happy people and enjoy destroying that happiness is because deep down they know eventually their relationship is going to be destroyed. So if they can change that person to be somebody that nobody else recognizes they create a person that looks like the problem, they take a happy laid back person somebody that's passionate about life and they an anxiety filled panic attack dissociated person suffering with severe CPTSD. And when the time of discard or being discarded takes place it's a whole lot easier for them to leave as if they are the victim, because after all everyone knew what they were like but that person changed. Everyone looks at the victim and thinks "Well you changed" and if you were dealing with a covert narcissist they've always had their image squeaky clean, they've always had it as if they do nothing wrong meanwhile they're the wolf in a sheep's clothing. They're pretending to be this docile "calm poor me" person that's with this anxiety ridden person and people fall for it so it serves their purpose. Narcissists cant be happy themselves, so they pick someone that is genially happy and they try to do their personality swap, they try to take that persons happiness they try to mirror that person so that it looks like their happy and they put that pathology that they carry in the other person.

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