Hello! You're on the Minute Channel Hands and today our girls started repairs!
Let's see what it all turned into! Do not forget to like, subscribe and click on the bell to stay with us.
0:16 Christie and Jenny do the painting work. Christie was so involved in the process that she began to improvise.
0:32 Jenny also decided to improve the picture.
0:43 Wow, I never would have thought that from a handprint, you could get a turkey.
0:47 Christie did not like that Jenny did it better! What do you think? Write in the comments.
0:53 The girls decided to make a creative battle to find out who is better.
1:03 Colors come into play.
1:08 Look at what Jenny did.
1:12 paint the comb, beak and legs. We also make smaller chickens from fingerprints.
1:30 Hmm, I wonder what Chris will answer.
1:34 Finish the handprint the neck and head turn out like a flamingo's.
1:38 Draw the legs with an orange marker and the beak with black. Glue the eye.
1:54 But Jenny is not impressed, she clearly came up with something better.
2:00 On the sheet, draw the shape of the aquarium and cut it.
2:04 imprint paint with a brush to make the shape of the body of a goldfish. Glue the eyes, draw the mouth, water and bubbles.
2:18 Christie likes nautical themes. we draw ink on the tentacles of our octopus.
2:26 Glue the eyes. How lovely.
2:42 Ginny's turn, what will she say? This time the hand came to life in the form of a dinosaur. how many ideas you can make from a handprint.
3:04 Christie came up with something else. Cactus? I never would have thought that even it can be made from a print. Also in the pot.
3:17 Ginny was upset, she had no ideas , it looks like she lost ..
3:23 Do not worry!
3:30 The girls decided to make a joint drawing so that no one was hurt.
This is a fun, bright butterfly! We hope you enjoyed our video, put like it, subscribe to our channel, and do not forget to click on a bell
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