Control Alchemy and other Garageband IOS sounds using an inexpensive Keytar from MadCatz for the Rock Band 3 game. In my case I used the XBox version. I also plug this straight into my Korg Volca FM and play it.Back in the 80’s I had LUST for a Keytar, I never would have thought I could buy one for $30 EVER! I used the Launchpad Pro as a USB to MIDI Interface into the iPad running Garageband. Please subscribe and give us a thumbs up. Thanks for watching.
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Control Alchemy and other Garageband IOS sounds using an inexpensive Keytar,Apple,Ios,Ipad,Madcatz,Keytar,Music,keyboard,Launchpad,Xbox,Rock band 3,Kwekwe Karu,Made in NY,Brooklyn,Gravesend,Mad Mohawk Films,