
Examining Salt for Microplastics using an iPhone

Examining Salt for Microplastics using an iPhone #Salt #MicroPlastics #HomeSchooling
Prompted by a viewer concern about table salt I decided to do a terrible unscientific experiment to examine normal table salt for any microplastic contamination using my iPhone and a microscope attachment. A very reasonable and portable tool that is fantastic for homeschooling and teaching children about the world around them. It’s also a great toy that can be justified to the wife because “it’s for the kids.”

Please note that is not a sponsored video, should be obvious by the quality, but if you want to buy the microscope and want to help the channel please use the following Amazon Referral link to purchase it.

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Education,Home Schooling,Salt,Food,Plastics,Micro Plastics,Contamination,iPhone,Apple,Science,Home Science,

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