
How much longer will Trump hold out in his trade war with China? | ITV News

How much longer will Trump hold out in his trade war with China? | ITV News China has announced it will impose tariffs on £46 billion ($60 billion) of US goods in retaliation for the latest hike in American tariffs on its exports.
The move comes three days after the US more than doubled tariffs on £154 billion of Chinese imports and sent financial markets into a tailspin.
China's finance ministry said the new penalty duties of between 5% and 25% on hundreds of US products, including batteries, spinach and coffee, will take effect on June 1.
The tit-for-tat trade war was instigated after US President Donald Trump claimed China had backtracked on commitments it made in earlier negotiations.
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Trade war,China,United States,Donald Trump,Tariffs,stock market,Dow Jones,Shares,Crash,

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